Author: AB Wire

AB Wire stories are filed by American Bazaar staff writers and contributors. If you want to contact one of our reporters, feel free to email

Oshiwara police have a filed a case of accidental death An Indian American IT professional, who returned home on Sunday, found his mother’s skeletal remains in their Oshiwara flat room in Mumbai. Rituraj Sahani, 43-year-old IT professional living in America, landed in India to surprise his mother with whom he was out of touch for the last one year. Landing outside his flat, which he found locked from inside, Sahani rang the doorbell several times but without response. With the help of the neighbors, he entered the flat to find his mother’s body completely decomposed with only skeleton remaining. Sahani…

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Complete text of the email sent by Googler to his colleagues: Google’s Ideological Echo Chamber How bias clouds our thinking about diversity and inclusion go/pc-considered-harmful [AUTHOR NAME INTENTIONALLY WITHHELD] July 2017 Feel free to comment (they aren’t disabled, the doc may just be overloaded). For longer form discussions see g/pc-harmful-discussî¿¿ Reply to public response and misrepresentation 1 TL;DR 2 Background 2 Google’s biases 2 Possible non-bias causes of the gender gap in tech 3 Personality differences 4 Men’s higher drive for status 5 Non-discriminatory ways to reduce the gender gap 5 The harm of Google’s biases 6 Why we’re blind…

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